A journey by train

 Most people tractor agent re by train because it products selling experience that range Henry is not much expense one can travel in throat out Indian boy train

I heard on exception to travel by train free training last Puja holiday I was invited to attend the birthday independence day of my house sister my uncle was then service at Puri before 2 days of the even I got down to the Cuttack railway station in time to catch the teacher Puri passeng

er train I book a ticket and internet the platform it was a crowd professor watch movie about carrying loads passenger waiting for their train passengers and the home of the long with the everyone wanted to get into the train fast I could management venture into second class computation in goat confirm ticket seat on a site 5 after few minutes the Agra due to white on each grain flour and then the trend Bheem grand to move at 8.4am.

Ayesha looking out of the window is everything watch pleasant outsider green fields tree hug reach hamlin speed running because at the train speed the passenger train with discount many thanks among themselves from where are doing some where playing cards abinas w

atch everything for time singer temporary songs from various inter to sell their goods by and with the train passenger Bhubaneswar Khurda road and many others Mall station at about 12 p.m. the train introduced into the police station left the reclining torch of the school size fridge cam outsold image that ticket that get my uncle was waiting for my inverting hi drop me off the traditional dishes on I had every pleasure friendzoned re

Your daily life

An ideal man kya never progress in his daily life live to not after Tumi monetary loss of balance sheet was a colourful and lovely Tumi each data found for you are you love to my book of life I am your early riser create your v for the sunrise I watch my rice and claimed attended the price I claim my teeth on stocks I don't know some physical years and I could both in the everything water of the river which flowers near my village after healing prayer in the te

Hmple of lord Shiva I get back home read so Shyam Sai Bhagwan Geeta then I take my breakfast and get into my study room tu Prem ki my tension beside my textbook I usually your newspapers are pleased to get an extra knowledge I is the school in the time on my watch to school h s the green Kaun friend in school assistant to my teachers at that I have many friend in the school I enjoy my life with them in the reached our all times we play football for cricket the school playground

Returning from the school change my school information and after getting reference I take some tiffin and go to play with my friend in the everything I watch my hand and legs play good and sit for my start at 9 p.m. techminds super are then I go to bed running the holidays on a Sunday I does not go to school I study at home and some time go on a picnic with my friendship I am very punctual and beautiful


Holi is a part of it is a famous Hindu festival is celebrated running spring season when the sky is clear the bridge floslo the earth is full of different colours flowers are different the festival calendar so important of lord Krishna when lord Krishna came this earth this watch full enjoy Honda explained hi camp to the earth to put down the events during this printers Krishna watch permission many Mr activate under the last an accused was a danger to the people to come periods 10 days people celebrate the festival it comes off inspired the beginning from the last day of your mum 14 of the the Oriya amount of full can it continued till the full moon day then comes hauli hauli is depressed people of colour objects for the people eat ourselves in the last day of the festival it is a festival greeting projection in the morning events body

 is going I truecaller and ecology powerful it is on festival of great phone people enjoy the sourcing of colours in the water and in the small letter powerful people feel happy drums on exams I hate sound it is a celibacy in the rural area with most group on some people sinus g other regions in the festival this festival has a great social important plant unity among the people it is great community hall amount if all the evidence and welcome each other love Trichy of cash carry roast and they feel that the

Yaar option this festival so get to work together as of summer season and of the price school and college remained closed for the solid so train leather it is more than just because of the present the scoring and spending the earth was lovely look with me flower of different colours and fragrance with new sweet members of statement and greatly pleased with it only torch and human heart and soul of the festival them sweets Mall of Venice blossom filled the air touch switch off the cookies also activity which is it made the festival it is festival of joy and happens if I wanted something to people we enjoy you it happens.

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