Mobile phones

 Mobile phone is a device mainly used for a voice call mobile phones are also used for SMS internet browsing playing video games photography sending emails and a lot more things tejus advantages first us connect connect anyone in the world friends with social media sites like Facebook and WhatsApp we can gain a lot of knowledge from websites and YouTube channels games and sharing of information we can store a lot of information on a mobile phone images videos and text files can be saved in mobiles in this article I want to Swift business and studies mobile phones can be used to store a lot of business documents to it is also used for marketing purposes and used mobile phones for studies on the internet disadvantagesis missing this is affecting the quality of social life let my people s help the mobile phone radiation can bring an

 adverse effect on human health short wavelength of blue light emitted by smartphones may contribute to heart disease obesity diabetes excess use of mobile phones can damage our eyesight into third edition use of mobile phones can cause addiction in users people have got used to of checking their phones every now and then for no reason it also wears a lot of time 4th electronic waste that a billions of mobile phone users across the world some people purchase a new mobile phone every year old and damaged phones contribute to a lot of electronic waste action while driving people get distracted by mobile phones while driving out of curiosity people receive many cause or check messages while traveling this can lead to extend its conclusion mobile phones have both advantages and

 disadvantages and depends on us how we use it or lose it carefully and in a limited Mano for a better hassle-free life thanks for watching this video.stories video is mobile phone advantages and disadvantage introduction the invention of the mobile phone has even the whole word a new look it has made no nice very easy due to which it has become a part of life in fact is very important because we can use it in many words like was found video calls as well as internet browsing photography videography email extractor first advantage of mobile phones is that we can talk to any person in the world without to him using this we can send messages to each other we can also

 make photos and videos from mobile phones in mobile we can use the internet so that we can lead on the information available on the internet phone if we go to any new place then with the help of mobile we can also see the map and over current location now being used for women safety as well with the help of some as domestic6th these days mobile phones are used for a variety of official task from scheduling meetings sending and receiving documents giving presentations alarms job applications and more 7 days with use of mobile we can easily transfer money without going to the bank can also do online shopping from home by mobile phone today smartphone is in almost all the madan in computer

 disadvantages of mobile first excess use of mobile phones we can see which may lead to several related issues in future s mobile also affected our social life because of our so much with us on social media is very harmful to health the use of smartphones has a very bad on the students because the students keep playing games movies and music for entertainment throughout the day it makes them unable to study today generation has become so much addicted to smartphones that they keep checking their mobile again and again without any reason due to which they are unable to do their important works for a clay 6 nowadays people keep talking on mobile while driving them and the accident happened seventh use of mobile also we can the memory because in the same thing in the mobile itself and do not try to remember the listening power of the use is getting we can do to listen songs by alphonse from mobile access use of

 smartphones is a waste of time as most of the people list your precious time watching the phone without any reason inclusion and is a technology given my science in the scientific which is good only if we use it properly only for limited time when needed if you use the mobile to a greater extent than it can also have very serious consequences therefore we should use mobile for a limited time only thank please world first line mobile phone or smartphone is a used invention of modern science second

 sentence it is basically used for voice calling video calling and text messaging apart from this week and click games use social media sites like Facebook read news and also get education from a mobile phone it helps us to stay connected with the whole world mobile phones are also useful in office works it also provides entertainment we can watch movies and listen to music on mobile phones and it has become a part of our daily life 8 point however excessive use of mobile phones has disadvantages like wastage of time and distraction from work 9th may also cause various health problems 10 a mobile phone is a gift of modern science we need to use this properly that should thanks for watching have a great day.

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