The silly ass

 Once upon a time there lived a lion in a thick forest.hewas very fierce and cruel.he had a jackal as his attendant who always followed him like a shdow

One day a very strange incident occurred.the lion was on his usual prowl when he a huge elephant.afight between the two followed and the tusker attcked the lion with his tusks.

The lion had to run for his life as he had been very badly wounded.somehow he reached his den and fell down exhausted.naturally he was not in a position to hunt any he had to go without food for many days.

Jackal live on the left-overs of the food eaten by beasts of prey.we jackal too had to remain hungry along with the lion.thus both the master and the attachment feared death by starvation.

The jackal said to the lion.your majesty I am going to die of hunger.imind myself just unable to wait on you so.allow me to go and look for my food

No please:you can't leave me in this trouble.go and persuade some animal to come here so thanimal.he roamed from place and plac and at last saw an ass grazing aloang the bank of ariver .he approached you been all these days? I am seeing you after along you look very weak:what is the reason!

The ass fate indeed my master doesn,feed me well.though ihave to work hard for him.

But why should you tolerate this injustice at all? Come with me and enjoy the green grass of the forest.within afew will become hele and heartly.sadid the jackal the ass replied.we are tame animals and live in villages or towns with our master's to go into a forest is full of dangerfor ican t,go with


But where ilive.thereis no danger of any fierce animal.ajenny (she-ass) is already living in my neighborhood she used to be with a washerman formerly.having been ill-treated she ran to the is quite hele and hearty.she is yearning for a mate come with me and she will welcome you warmly.said the jackal in an inciting.

The ass was taken in by the oily world of the he accompanied him and before long they were near the lion.s den seeing the lion.the ass felt frightened and took to his heels.the lion tried to attack the fleeing ass but he could not kill him the ass escaped scot free.

The jackal rebuked the lion at his failure to kill the ass saying your honour how will you kill any other animals when you have failed to kill an ass even?

The lions was ashamed of his failure indeed.but to cover his folly.he put on a fake smile and said.i was not fully prepared for the attack.had I been ready.i would have killed an elephants even.

The lion asked the jackal to make another trial and bring the ass once again to the jackal set out to bring the ass once again reaching near the ass.the jackal said.why did you run away like like that?the jenny was going to embrace you of love.after all she has been alone for a longe time 

She could not control only showed how lonely and love-sick she was feeling but you should not have fled a coward.she has been in

Tears since you left her so abruptly come with me and calm her with sweet words and love 

The silly ass said oh she was aejunnyei am sorry I was lost thoughts of the dangerous of the forest at the time I look her embrace as an attck of some fierce I took to my heels without seeingebackward deven once

The silly ass again taken in by the sweet words of the jackal and accompanied him to lion,s soon as he was within reach,the lion sprang atehim and killed him

Now the jackal said to the god s,grace we have got please have a bath in the river and pray to god so that he may be kind to provide us with food in future

You are right I must first have my bath and thank god for his goft of food said the lion.

So,leaving the jackal to stand guard for the dread ass, the lion made for the river.the jackal, being awfully hungry,very could not control he ate up the brain and the ears of the ass in the absence of the lion.when the lion returned after taking his bath,he found the brain and the ears of the ass flew into arage and said,why did you eat the brain and the ears of the ass in my absence? 

The jackal humbly replied,your highness the ass had no brain and ears,had he got these two things.would  he have come with me the second time to be killed by you?

The jackal,s reply satisfied the lion with a smile he satisfied his hunger leving the jackal,share of flesh for him

Once there lived a lion in a forest.he was very crucial and rash.he  used to kill a large number of animals every day through he needed only one for his food this senseless act sent a current of terror among the animals of the forest.

One day they held a meeting to discuss the problem.every suggestion was thought over last it was

Decided that one animal sould go to the lion as his food day, body of animals went to see the lion to inform him of their decision reaching the the den.the leader of the animals said,your majesty we have come with a humble request.kindly hear us we are your humble subjects.

The lion roared alound sad.say  what you want.

Excuse me.sir.the way you are killing us is dangerous for us both.if this goes on no.animalas will be left in the forest soon.whom will you hunt for food then? Said they

What do you want.then ased the lion we suggest that yor majesty should stay at your den we shall send.

One animal daily in the morning as your food

The lion said all right I agree to your plan.but if you fail to send one animal daily I shall be forced to go hunting,one animal went to the lion,sden every day to become his food this went one for along time

One day,it was the turn of a wise and clever have to go the lion.he left his burrow at dawn and made for the lion,s.den he was thinking hard of some plan to do away with lion.suddenly his eyes fell on an old well by the.way -side his wit worked and at once an idea flashed access his mind.he was very happy and so he made up his mind to try it with care and tact.

When the here reached the lion, was fairly kete so the lion. little fool whay have you com so late? 

The hare according to his plan trembled in  fear and said.your fear and said.your majesty I am not blame at could I dare to be late? I had started well in time.but on the way I was stopped by a lion who lives in an old well just by the way-side.he wanted to eat me up.when I mentioned your name to him he said fouk words for you.

Tha lion was mad in anger to hear of another lion and gave out loud roar he said.lead me to that rascal.i,ii see how he could dare harm my subjects and use foul words for me.

Yes,my lord;he let me come to you after the had taken a promise from me to return to him I request you to go and punish him sad the hare take me immediately to where that rogue lives.i shall eat you up after teaching him a lesson, retorted the lion 

So the clever hare led the lion to the old well which he had seen by the way sade when he was coming to the lion reaching there,said,the rogue lives there inside that well,ogreat very afraid to be face to face with him

The lion rushued to the well and peeped inside it.he saw his own reflection the water.mad in anger,he took his own reflection for the other,he roade aloud and his road echoed back,but the lion could not follow this fact.he took it as the roar of the other lion the country-roar added to the lio, s anger a hundred times and he could

Not control himself.withoutwaiting even for a second,he acted in utter haste

The hare was looking at the lion shrewdly laughing in his had become quite sure that his plan was going to agrand success.he was eagerly waiting for the lion to jump into the well

Into the well jumped the furious lion roaring even more loudly.he heade crashed against the wall of the well and he fell into the water to be drowned

The wise hare was beside himself in.jou he went near the well and peeped into it.seeing the lion dead,he became sure that the cruel beast was no more.he decided to run back and tell all the animals about all that had happened.he was sure that everybody will heave asigh of telief to hear the news of the

Cruel lion,s.death so losing no time,the hare ran back as fast as his legs could carry him the animals of the forest had no idea of what the wise here had achieved.but when the hare disclosed to them how he had planned to kill the crruel lion their surprise knew no bounds.they welcome the hare as a hero indeed.

Extremely plesed as the animals were to know what had happened,they admired the hare for his cleeverness and held a rejoicing in his honour.also ,the hare was elected be the leader of the animals of the forest in honour of hs exploit.

So, children bear in mind that wisdom is far more powerful that always beats strength whenever there is a clash between the two

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