The unfaithful wife

 Once upon a time,there lived a prosperous brrahmin in village.his wife died at young age.the brahmin decided not to marry again.but many years later he realized that he must have someone at home to do the household chores and so he told the

 matchmaker of the village to find abride for him.the matchmaker found a young and beautiful bride for the.brahmin.the brahmin brought the girl home marrying here.the brahmin was happy,but the girl was not.she had not liked the brahmin who was short and fat and middle-aged.

Thebrahmin tried his best to keep his wife pleased.he was a learned man and he understood that his wife was not happy.sohe told her please try to adjust your self in my family.i know that I am much older in age.but.such marriages are allowed in our society am healthy and im no less stronger than any of the youths in our village.

You know that im a reputed man people have greate regards for me as you are my wife,you,too,will get regards from them.but you must behave with them nicely and you must try to be more knowledgeable and so you must devote your time for reading and writing,

But the brahmin,s wife was not interested in studies.she wold often curse her fate for marrying a man who was short and fat one day there came adrampa party in the

 village.the hero of the plays was tall and good-looking the brahmin,s,wife tried to be friendly with that the hero was actually a villainous person in real life he advised the brahmin,s wife to kill her husband .

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