The crows and the cobra

Once there lived a row-couple in a banyan tree in a forest.they had made a cosy nest among its the root-area of the tree there was a hole wherein lived a jungle mouse.thecrows and the mouse lived as good neighbours.several others birds also lived in their nests in the same tree. One day ablack-cobra came there from somewhere he entered the hole of the mouse who escaped immediately through the other opening to save his life.sothe cobra made this hole his home for for the birds.they didn.t like the cobra at all.but they were all helpless indeed.    

About anounth passed peacefully but the cobra had an evil eye on the birds.the mother-crow had laid eggs in her nest. 
In about afortnight.young baby crows hatched out of the egg.the crow-hatched out of the egg.the cro-couple was very happy to see their little ones.they began to bring them up with are and love
One day the crows flew away in search of food for their nestlings.the cobra was looking for a chance to eat up the . finding the parent-crows about.he crawled up the tree made all the baby-crows his meal.
When the crow-couple came bake they were shocked to see their little ones nowhere.they asked the other birds about them.the birds told them what had happened.the crows wept over the loos of their babies for a number of,the mother-crow said to her mate.we must go somewhere else.iam in the family wayagain.the cruel cobra is here and he will eat up our babies this time too.

The crow also felt sad and anxious to hear the words of his mate.making up his mind to do something,flew away from his nest to seek advice from an old fox.

Soon the cro reached where the fox lived.he narrated his tale of woe and begged the fox to help him.the fox thought hard for some time and then said,Don,t worry,dear friend.ihave thought of a plane for need leave your home and go anywhere else.if you act Cleverly according plan.thecruel cobra will be killed before long,

Let me know of your plan said the crow.there is the capital of a kingdom at ashort distance from here.and there is a siva temple at astone,s, throw from here.the queen comes to his temple along with other royal ladies every monday.all of them have abath in the sacred tank of the temple before they go inside for worship.they take off their clothes and ornaments before they enter the water.the guards stand at a distance 6nthe you must rach the temple-tank in the morning.

On monday.when the queen has entered the water along with her should pick up her necklace in your beak and fly slowly to wowards your tree.your mate should keep cawing alound all the way.sothat the guards may be able to follow you on your heels.reaching the tree.youshould drop the necklace.into the cobra,s hole.the guards will dig the hole and kill the cobra.explained the fox.
 The crow was very happy to know of the plane and he agreed to carry
It out returning home.hetold his wife about the entire plan.she also liked it and become ready to help her the couple waited eagerly for tuesday.

On monday.the crow-couple reached the temple-tank in the morning.they sat on the branch of a tree near the tank waiting for the to last they saw the qeen.s litter coming to wowards the temple.several other royal ladies.anumber of servants.mauds andgroup of guards were also with her. Seeing the royal party'at the temple the crow-couple was very happy.after taking rest for awhile.the queen and her a companies got ready for abath the guards were sent to a distance and the ladies took off their clothes and ornaments.placing them on the tank.

The crows were watching everything very closely.when they saw the necklace.they lost no time to act as advised by the wise fox.the father-crow picked up the necklace in his beak and started flying slowly so that the guards might be able to follow him the mother-crow followed him cawing loudly to attract the attention of the Queen and the guards. When the saw the crow taking away her necklace.she asked the maid to inform the,the guards gave a hot chase to the cro couple.the crows flew slowly to the banyan tree wherein they had their nest.the guards were following them close on their heels.inabothalf an hour the crow reached the banyan tree.the father crow sat on one of its branches with the necklace in his beak.the mother-crow kept cawing alound all the time.when the guards goat quite near.the crow flew to the mounth of the cobra,s hole and dropped the necklace into it.the guards saw it and decided to get the necklace out of the hole after digging it.

At first they tried to get the necklace out sending along stick into the hole on doing so .the cobra got disturbed and it came out hissing angrily.the guards were stunned to see a fearful cobra before decided to kill it 

The cobra too saw its life in danger.he stood up with its hoodespread flat hissing in anger again and again.but the guards had made up their mind to kill it in order to get the queen,s necklace.
They lynched its head with their ,the the cruel cobra lay ded near its hole.
The crows heaved a sigh of relief they were quite safe now for all time to come.the other birds living in the banyan tree also felt relieved to see the cruel cobralying dead they knew what the cobra could be as dangerous to them as it had been to the all the birds living in the banyan tree were extremely happy at the killing of the cobra by the royal guards.they all praisrd the cro-couple

Having killed the cobra.the guards dug his hole and took out the queen,snecklace.they were very happy to get it back and went away the temple.

In due cobra of time.the mother crow laid egg and babies hatched out of them.the cro-couple lived happily ever after.but they did not forget to go and thank the old fox for his wise plan.

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