DON'T DELETE INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT | Tips on How to Maintain Your Instagram Account for Future Use.


DON'T DELETE INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT | Tips on How to Maintain Your Instagram Account for Future Use.

DON'T DELETE INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT | Tips on How to Maintain Your Instagram Account for Future Use.

With over 500 million active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps in the world. When you're not using it, it's easy to think that deleting your account will do the job. But there are some things to take into consideration before doing so. For example, if you want to create a new account in the future for any reason, you won't be able to use your old username and password. Plus, all of your posts and followers will be lost forever and there's no way to retrieve them. It can seem like a real bummer when we think about not being able to share our photos on Instagram in years ahead.

Don’t delete your account without considering these important points! Keep reading for tips on how you can maintain your Instagram account for future use.


Why you should never delete your account

If you decide to delete your account, you won't be able to create a new one with the same username and password. So if you want to use Instagram in the future, you'll have to find a new name and start from scratch.

In addition, all of your posts and followers will be deleted forever. Think about how much time and effort you've put into your account—you don't want it all gone for good!

There's no way to retrieve posts or followers that are lost when an account is deleted. This can be especially frustrating since we know our digital footprint is so important today.

The best way to maintain your Instagram account while preparing for the future is by using it and maintaining it regularly. You should use your account so that it doesn't disappear without any warning!


Maintain your Instagram for future needs

Before deleting your account, there are a few steps you can take to maintain it.

The first step is to download a copy of your data from the app. Once you do this, go to 'Settings' and then tap on 'Privacy'. On the next screen, scroll down to find the option for downloading your data. Tap on it and enter your password to start downloading a copy of your photos and videos.


Next, make sure you delete all of your posts from future date onwards before deleting your Instagram account. This will ensure you don't lose any posts that have been shared up until that point.

If you want to be extra safe, save a copy of all the photos in your library onto a folder on your computer or upload them somewhere online beforehand so they're not lost if anything happens.

Finally, go back into the 'Settings' page and switch off Push Notification which means notifications would no longer be sent directly to your phone when users post something new on Instagram. When you feel like it's time for goodbyes, go ahead and delete Instagram from both your device and iCloud settings.


How to back up and save your account before deleting


If you decide to delete your account, the first thing that you should do is back up your account. You can do this by downloading all of your photos and videos to your computer or smartphone before deleting the app. This way, you're ensured that all of your memories are safe.

Once you've backed up all of your photos, you should also download copies of any posts or stories that have disappeared from the app after being deleted. You'll be able to use these posts again if you decide not to delete your account permanently.

Even if it's just for a short period of time, it's important to save any original content that you've created so far before deleting the app. If you don't, then those posts are gone forever!



There are many reasons not to delete your Instagram account. Here are some of them:

-You can maintain your account for future needs

-If you delete your account, 

-resume your account

-restore your account

-retrieve any posts, followers, or likes

-access any direct messages

-access any historical posts and comments

-remove any posts you don’t want people to see or find

-remove any comments that might damage your brand

-remove any followers that might be unfollowing you

-remove any spam comments


Best to keep your account and maintain it for future needs!

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