The deserrving young man

 Daya lift accident in a town in the Western region the merchant was not exactly a major port world not attract any number of his family spending money on something that only constant useless

Time of a festival of book house and bought a book saying the 100 gold coins he was happy reading the book the book and many interesting stories with morals the polar heart of campaigns to complete and explained many interesting sign on the programs in the book

So on being asked by his father the son said that he had spend their money on

Part and his father how would you be so police to spend 100 gold coins on

I have learnt many things from this book had the mustangs source on I have learnt from his hope that one can get something if he only

Your dishwasher a good kick at your back side the merchants and fixed at the back of his own you do not know the value of

The merchant so no that his father killed him in and around him on the world again for him sutely give him more money when he v fold down both the merchants to decide to leave home and see whether he is living from the book world help him or not

He traveled form one town to another and England which the common people aren't didn't many things that there were some people in the society who hold to early work for the sake of getting morning he was happy to see our needs some people who were honest and the company on the other helpful to others

One day he was working of the many state in a town he had almost as important part of our little money he had with him he was thinking of taking off a job when he saw the people there enjoys both their flowers restaurants and death road offices all over town

The presence of the town was going to be married to a rich crimes in

Sonda projects on which the market place a large number of welfare state people had joined the process and they were following the bridge and the room on their elephant house fruits and seeds that rooms on horseback and the price in a palan she was working at the crowd suddenly on elephant lost control of his mind on the roost are the people fruit Tamil them under his feel the people that they have that there are women and children screen in your for their leaves the Mount hard when heated and jumped into a nearby tree

There was suits and the people family and rolled over each other room room for your lips they so that the elephant has given me the elephant had gone

The nearest of the preview of the presence at the lunch on the road with code on road why the room was giving clothes

Who treats plans in cloud by in a traps for his own safety know their elephant what are the friends who was trying to come out of the parent you go to sleep with and killed on the ground the king who was coming through the measure of each daughter reading his horse was for behind because the fight and people who are coming towards him and he had to felt his horse riding know why throat the crowds it was no event that the elephant world temple the French and saunders each field the mad elephant is gets his prop of he was about gift left to close the promise and exactly are that moment the merchants jampad between the elephant and the presence was holding the book presents trying on the hundred coins in one hand and will being a straight that he had just picked from the road in the other hand

Hey you are accepted the merchants who do you think yourself to be my cli animal Goa your will kill you will kill you the merchant source on sold at the top of his voice and right and heath Street and heat on the elephant from which all the stronger keyboard no access the elephant move back and put down his leg that he was lifting and then link for a second looking at the martian Suna their throats and begin to work at normal speed a number of atoms and there's no to process to supplant it and soon the elephant was put on roads and the king have a site of relief

The sample was back on the face of the people that g future orders the people to follow through the temple Mysore will get exactly are the suspense moment side

But I will not marry your son builder at the front and side but not much to meri flowers what and why we will be in danger I will marry this young man who had saved my life their young ones we went at was the merchants

6 March and son came back to his father with the transactions and decide your future I got a residence because this

Bihar merchant and his wife were no very happy and all smiles

Once a snake caught a snake and kept in a round basket Eid will break your original tomorrow side the man I will take out your position and send the same to a physically you are a dangerous nach hope you will not be able to text from which strong demo basket after heart of 10 out your question and broken your teeth your will not be able to b and kill you will just be me and

Dance nach kamar Tut jawali and went through his kitchen to cook food the snake was happy and

No he was a captive he was trying hard to free himself the snake chairman had threatened to get him to him both the basket made of bamboo fence and progress which he port of the ring was too strong to be shocked by a snake there was some which food make cold into it and it works

The earth was facing boy on round basket at trains which attracts the earth was young and instant he wanted to ask about the basket to some one but no read from their food long time the basket was moving a little what must be there inside his only looking thing he would prove himself a shops the house builders

Aaj ki Sham sweets perhaps there are some testing notes my mother told me not to become girias about

It might be dangerous to try to go there and see what it is and what is there inside it would I think I am no ground up on the show I should not be afraid of that thing I am should eat is not a part of my mother asked me to become aware they laid traps I can not without my career if I want to know something I most know if you know it it might just be a

The young Raat jumped over the basket dance cover for some time and then begin through b l a pledge to make the snake had already know that your area outside the police that was then making a hole into the basket and soon finished

His work

Is there anybody inside his funny thing asked the

The snack held his breath and waited for the air to enter the act introduced into the baskets of the whole he had made on the snake caught him and put him into which amount after booking of the at his name came out of the hole made by the rate.

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